Winter causes a plethora of problems to our skin. Freezing, biting air can cause our skin to shrivel from dryness and lack of moisture. Exposure of the face to wintry elements can cause burns, dry patches and reddening of the skin.

But summer can be even harder on our bodies' largest organ. Dryness, hot sun and perspiration can wreak havoc on our skin, as well as stings, bites and poisons from various vegetation. But we don't have to roll over and wrinkle. There are ways to beat the summer's troublesome effects.

The sun is the skin's worst enemy. Skin cancer is on the rise, and the topic of tanning addictions have been hitting the news and blogs for a couple of years now.

The sun can burn the skin as badly as fire can. Not only that, but it causes skin cancer and premature aging. While sunscreen should be used year round, it should be mandatory in summer.

An EmpowHER blog "Top Experts Weigh in on How to Solve Common Beauty, Health & Fitness Hazards in the Summer", talks about summer skin care and offers advice from an expert.

"“Skin cancer affects more than two million Americans each year,” says Dr. Steven Rotter, Virginia-based board certified dermatologist and the Former Chief Resident in Dermatology at Johns Hopkins Hospital ."//>

He also recommended that sunscreen over factor 45 be frequently reapplied, especially after sports or swimming. This can prevent burning and stave off wrinkles. Wearing long-sleeved tops and hats provide good protection, and sitting in shady spots is a good idea. Stay out of the sun between the hours of 10 a.m.-2 p.m. to avoid the hottest part of the day.

Despite using sun protection, our skin can still be affected by summer. My face sweats profusely when I'm playing sports in summer. I end up with tiny spots of what looks like acne under the skin on my forehead and the sides of my face around my hairline.

Cleansing, toning and moisturizing at night helps to keep the pores clean but hydration is also very important. Drink lots of water every day, along with a healthy diet. I also use a topical acne treatment.

A good moisturizer is also a key factor to replace what the body loses. I moisturize from top to bottom every day. It's a bit of a chore after the shower but really worth it for softer skin.

Lip balm keeps the mouth looking youthful and a rich conditioner can do the same for hair. In fact, using a clarifying shampoo after swimming in a chlorinated pool can eliminate the risk of a green sheen to the hair.

As previously mentioned, a healthy diet helps to keep skin great from the inside out. WebMD recommends seasonal fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants like strawberries, blueberries, oranges, red peppers - anything with Vitamin C. Fresh salads that include leafy greens and fruits like tomatoes are also high in vitamins.

An article from WebMD advises that "tomatoes are rich in lycopene and beta-carotene. A diet rich in those nutrients may boost your skin's natural defense against sun damage and improve its appearance, according to a 2012 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Tomatoes are also a good source of vitamin C. One cup delivers almost half of the daily value."

Fresh juices are also a great way to consume fruits and vegetables. Your kids won't notice they are eating their veggies, even when they rebel against them on a plate. It's never too early to take care of your children's skin.

Bug bites are worse early in the morning and at dusk. To protect your skin (and your sanity!) stay indoors at these times or use a insect repellent and long sleeves and pants when possible. If bitten, calamine lotion can ease the pain or an anti-itch ointment can prevent scratching at the bites.

Summer is all about the outdoors - from activities to vegetable gardens to al fresco dining. Take advantage of the warm days and sunshine to exercise and relax, and enjoy the delicious, fresh summer menu that is well-priced when eaten in season. All this, along with protecting your skin and hair from the sun's harmful rays will help keep your skin healthy and glowing year round.

Sources: Wellness. "Top Experts Weigh in on How to Solve Common Beauty, Health & Fitness Hazards in the Summer". Web. Retrieved July 14th, 2013.

WebMD. Healthy Beauty. Skin & Body. Sun Savvy. Summer Sun Care. Web. Retrieved July 14th, 2013.

Reviewed July 17, 2013
By Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith