Sleep apnea leaves the sufferer unrefreshed and over time health problems can arise. Blood oxygen levels will be lowered which can eventually cause damage to the heart and the brain.

Due to a couple of factors, the soft palate in the mouth sags, and restricts the airway. Communication between brain and diaphragm is hindered. Breathing gets shallower and blood oxygen level drops. Once the blood oxygen level reaches a certain point the brain as a safety feature tells the body to take a big, deep breath. Usually the individual isn't wakened, and they return to the stage 1 sleep period.

The herb lobellia stimulates respiration when used in small amounts, causing deep breathing through the stage 2 sleep period. Thyme, chamomile and cramp bark may also be beneficial in the relief of sleep apnea.

"This bouquet of herbs relaxes muscles that restrict nervous flow, increases drowsiness, enhances respiration and protects the stomach lining. It represents a wholistic natural solution to sleep apnea. It is non-habit forming and no-preconditioning is required. Utilizing a natural approach to solving the sleep apnea problem can be liberating and rewarding. You may very well avoid surgery or CPAP use."