The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that controls the body’s metabolic processes. Common problems may include an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) or an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism).

When a person’s thyroid malfunctions, a whole host of signs are likely to arise. One possible symptom is fatigue. It affects people with both overactive and underactive thyroids, leaving them concerned with how to exercise, get healthy, and regain stamina.

The first thing in fighting fatigue is to determine the cause. If you are having some or all of the following symptoms, you might have a thyroid ailment:

Weakness and fatigue
Shaky hands
Increased heartrate
Weight loss
More frequent and looser bowel movement
Anxiety and irritability
Eye irritation or problems
Changes in menstrual behavior
Greater sensitivity to heat and increased perspiration
Greater sensitivity to cold
Unexplained weight gain
Dry hair and skin

If so, schedule an appointment with your physician and explain your symptoms. If your symptoms point to thyroid problems, you will be given a simple blood test. Treatment and/or appropriate medications will be based on what type of thyroid disease you have. After treatment is in place, stamina should increase and fatigue should decrease. At this time, it should become easier to incorporate exercise into your lifestyle.

When you've reached this level, find a type of exercise that you can do on a regular basis and enjoy. Be sure to include simple weights or exercise bands into your regimen- they build muscle. Subsequently, muscle burns calories, which activates your metabolism and if your metabolism is working at a faster pace, you are now experiencing less fatigue.

Not all results are typical. Some people with thyroid problems complain that they are still experiencing bouts of fatigue after treatment. What can be done in this case?

First, are you getting adequate sleep? Doctors recommend eight hours a night. Make sure you are getting at least the recommended amounts. If you’re not, is there a cause? Do you suffer with sleep apnea as many thyroid patients do? This disorder is when a person stops breathing temporarily during the night which causes them to wake multiple times. Please consult your physician if you suspect you suffer from sleep apnea.

If this is not your problem and you are still tired even when sufficient time has passed after treatment has started, check with your physician to see if you have a vitamin deficiency.

Finally, it is possible you are suffering from a totally different disease all together (such as chronic fatigue syndrome.) This requires the expertise of a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

If there is a solution available, find it. A life of inactivity and fatigue is not a productive or a happy one. Don’t give up. Your health and happiness may depend upon it.

Good health to you!

Resources: American Thyroid Association, Mayo Clinic,

Dita Faulkner is a freelance writer living in Tennessee. She is a poet who loves Langston Hughes, Emily Dickerson, Shakespeare, and Maya Angelou. Please check out her poetry at