I am a yoga teacher and I travel a lot. I have passports that look more colorful than a child’s finger painting. All these years later, I still get a thrill from a new stamp.

However, traveling is not conducive to the fluid “yoga body” — which, let me be clear, is not any particular shape or size.

It bunches up the hip flexors. It brings tension to the shoulders. It brings awareness to new parts of your body because those parts are sick and tired of staying stagnant in an airline seat.

Whether or not you consider yourself a yogi or a yogini is not important. A little yoga can help your body to feel freer so that you can be more present.

A few poses can unwind the planning part of your mind that thought it was a great idea to visit three museums in one day. Yoga can help you to get out of your own way so that you can enjoy your vacation without simmering in stiffness.

These five poses are my favorites, especially after a journey:

1) Yogic squat

Image Via fizkes/fotolia

There are many reasons to do this pose, which is called Malasana in Sanksrit. Turn your toes out slightly and squat down as low as you can. It is good training for bathrooms in some countries and it will strengthen the lower back and core.

Yogis also believe that it is good for digestion. If getting down this low is making your hips get on bad terms with you, then sit your bum on the floor and bring the bottoms of your feet to the floor.

Turn your toes out slightly and lean a little forward. That’s the spot.

2) Legs Up the Wall

Image Via Sergey Nivens/fotolia

I have a few tattoos on my body, and I am surprised this has not made the list, because it is so good. After feeling cramped or constricted, flushing out the legs by shimmy-ing them up the wall can feel incredible.

If this is your first time doing this in awhile, it may feel a little awkward but don’t worry about getting right up against the wall. You want your hamstrings to only feel mildly stretched, if at all. This is all about restoration.

3) Reclined Cow Face

Image Via AntonioDiaz/fotolia

I like to call this one “X marks the spot” because reclined cow face does sound slightly ridiculous. Lying on your back, cross at your knees and pull your knees to your chest with both of your hands.

If you can go slightly deeper, let your hands come to your shins, ankles or even feet. Make sure to do the other side, with the opposite knee on top. This will unbind the butt. You can quote me on that.

4) Downward Dog

Image Via fizkes/fotolia

The classic Adho Mukha Svanasana. The oldie but goodie. Stretch like a dog in the hot Italian sun to boost circulation, free your spine and this pose will make you forget about your chatty seatmate on the plane.

5) Cat and Cow

Image Via fizkes/fotolia

Simple movements might seem like they don’t do much, but the more I learn about the body, the more I realize that functional, "vanilla" movement is often the most healing. Cat and cow can be done on all fours or seated.

Flex and extend your spine, move it in both directions and then get even bigger and start to circle it.

A cat and cow a day keeps the grumpiness away.

Take a deep breath. You are unbound by your regular responsibilities. You are on the road.

You are traveling.

Edited by Jody Smith