Finding good ulcerative colitis support groups is key to living well with UC. There are support groups both online and offline that can be crucial to finding people that are going through what you are going through, a place to release your frustrations and your questions.

Good places to start for offline support are through your healthcare channels. There are times when your doctors or clinic will have support groups there in the same building. When I was diagnosed with IC there was information there about a twice monthly support group, I found it both convenient and comforting. Shop around other healthcare facilities in your area if yours isn’t involved in a UC support group.

Online support groups are all around. Here at EmpowHer you are invited to open up and discuss anything through the privacy of your computer and your username. You never have to disclose sensitive information about yourself to come here and talk and vent. We are here to listen, to offer support, and to answer whatever questions that we may have answers to. Just remember one thing about finding information online. Consider the source. Is it a leader in healthcare information or someone’s blog? One thing that is wonderful about the world wide web is the ability to get so much information, and the downside is that anyone can post up that information. Check it all out, make an informed decision on where you want to get your information, and then settle back and relax. You’re among friends here who understand.

Other places you can check out are:
Daily Strength’s UC & Crohns Support
WebMd’s Crohns and UC Support