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I was a LPN for over 30 years. I realized my legs were hurting me more eacH month. Drs said lose weight,, or go to the gym, which I did.
Finally one Dr. Took xray of back because I had pain in feet then they were numb or pins and needles and both legs would go numb and I was stuck and couldnt move. MRI came back showing I had Spinal Stenosis which just means your spine usually lower is full of arthritis or worse. The n nerves in Lumbar back are rather smashed together and dont work going to legs and feet or dont work at all. I have had many injections in lowerer back but the dont work. I take pain pills and walk with my dog about 4 times dail. Many times it hurts to walk even in my apt but if I push it it can get a little better. Now I need a left k ee replacement. Oh that sounds horrible. I did have back surgery..Laminectomy which did help a little.
Getting over a knee replaceme t sounds scary and painful. Who will walk my old dog?.
Anyone bave knee replacement? How did rehab go?

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