As I was saying , to wake up on the floor with one chair on top of your upper body and another on you legs and feet, plus my dog, Rex was barking like the "hound of the Baskerbills". AT first I ...

Finishing Instal#6 of Breast Cancer in the LUngs.


As I will not be able to continue my story, as I will not have the internet any longer, I shall bring the story up to date in a more concikse version. The first round of 2 Chemo's plus Steroids ...

The Last Instal.#6-"Breast Cancer in the Lungs"


The first round of Chemo started with 2 strong Chemo's and Steroids. For those of you who don't know the procedures involved, I will describe them to you. You are usually seated in a chair , and ...

Inst.#5 Breast Cancer in lungs and starting Chemo.


It’s hard to go into almost any business geared toward the female shopper this month without seeing a wide range of pink-themed products that either imply or claim directly to be involved in ...

lioness111 commented on Pat Elliott's post Shopping For A Cure? Ask Five Questions First


Hi Members and Readers! EmpowHER is all about your needs, your wants and your opinions. What would you like to see from this Group? More news topics? More articles? More chat from others ...

lioness111 commented on SusanC's post What would you like to see in this Group? Do you have suggestions for us?


Installm.#4 The Diagnosis, treatments, Twists & Turns, Bottom Line Prognosis!!!! Today we start with my appointment , with the handsome , sensitive, sexy, & intelligent Dr. R., my past & present ...

Lungs-the Diagnosis, the Treatments, Truths & Expectations!!!


Recently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration turned down a request for the accelerated approval of the drug Trastuzumab-DM1. Roche-Genentech’s drug was proposed for the treatment of ...

lioness111 commented on MC Kelby's post Anti-HER2 Drug Fails to Win FDA Fast Track


There is a growing national movement to rethink marijuana use. Some experts believe marijuana is a beneficial plant that might play a primary role in cancer treatment and prevention. Opponents say ...

lioness111 commented on Lynette Summerill's post American Voters To Decide Marijuana Issues in November


Skin all over the body is made up of various layers, but skin in certain places feels and behaves differently. Our scalps are made up of five layers with only the outer layer actually being skin. ...

lioness111 commented on Michele Blacksberg RN's post Scalp Skin: How is it Different than Regular Skin?


Skin all over the body is made up of various layers, but skin in certain places feels and behaves differently. Our scalps are made up of five layers with only the outer layer actually being skin. ...

lioness111 commented on Michele Blacksberg RN's post Scalp Skin: How is it Different than Regular Skin?


It’s obvious from an early age whether a child is right-handed or left-handed. This kind of dominance affects which hand works better for things like brushing our teeth and holding a pencil. But ...

lioness111 commented on Denise DeWitt's post Are You Right-Eyed or Left-Eyed?


If you have cancer now or have had it in the past, you are at higher risk for complications from the seasonal flu or the 2009 H1N1 flu, including hospitalization or death. Here is important ...

lioness111 commented on Lynette Summerill's post Living with Cancer: What You Need to Know About the 2010-11 Flu Season


After a 3 1\2 month abscense. this will be the 3RD Installment in the Lioness111 Saga about finding out the results of the tests. I went to the Surgeon, Dr.Crabtree, 10 days later. he removed the ...

Lung Surgery, the Biopsy results, and Surprise at the Treatments to come!!!


Are you looking to lower your sugar, eat low sugar foods, and lose weight? Do you think that all fruit is created equal? Trying to make healthier choices in your diet? Consider looking at the ...

lioness111 commented on Dr. Carrie Jones' post Choosing Low Glycemic Foods


Insulin resistance (IR) plays a significant role in a number of health problems. If you suffer from insulin resistance, you could have more than one of them. The good news is, if you get IR ...

lioness111 commented on Jody Smith's post Decreasing Insulin Resistance Increases Health And Vitality


They come from around the world every year to learn more about cancer. Now you too can learn much of what they’re learning from the comfort of your computer. More than 30,000 people came to ...

lioness111 commented on Pat Elliott's post Empowering Cancer Patients: How You Can Learn The Latest Advances In Treatment


Hi everybody, This is installment#2 of my saga. I didn"t get to talk to my surgeon . However my son did talk to him. My son informed me that the left lung tumor was completely excised and tests ...

lioness111 commented on lioness111's post Lung Surgery, the results, & the aftermath.


Martha Beck shares her experience with fibromyalgia.

lioness111 commented on Martha Beck's post Fibromyalgia: Will You Share Your Experience? - Martha Beck


Five years clean – Anniversary DAY of my Mastectomy is May 9! OH WHAT A BEAUTIFUL MORNING, OH What a Beautiful DAY……maybe to some these is just words to a song, but to a Survivor it is a ...

lioness111 commented on Princeline's post Five Year Breast Cancer Survivor now Lymphedema


Hi everybody, This is installment#2 of my saga. I didn"t get to talk to my surgeon . However my son did talk to him. My son informed me that the left lung tumor was completely excised and tests ...

lioness111 commented on lioness111's post Lung Surgery, the results, & the aftermath.


Hi everybody, This is installment#2 of my saga. I didn"t get to talk to my surgeon . However my son did talk to him. My son informed me that the left lung tumor was completely excised and tests ...

Lung Surgery, the results, & the aftermath.


Joanne shares how she treated her dry eye symptoms and provides advice for women with this condition.

lioness111 commented on Joanne's post Dry Eye: How Are You Treating The Symptoms?


Hi everybody! Lioness111 here to share the events of my surgery. amd the aftermath. The day of surgery, I had to check in at 5AM. and went to the prep area. Everyone was so nice. The nurses came ...

lioness111 commented on lioness111's post Lung Cancer surgery, the aftermath, prognosis


Hi everybody! Lioness111 here to share the events of my surgery. amd the aftermath. The day of surgery, I had to check in at 5AM. and went to the prep area. Everyone was so nice. The nurses came ...

Lung Cancer surgery, the aftermath, prognosis


Christine and I went to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) to talk to the doctors today and get more in depth information on the status. There was alot of doc talk, but the main thing ...

lioness111 commented on Melissa Waller's post Radiation, Navelbine Chemotherapy Treatment


Which is best? Use o2 only when o2 level gets below 90% or just use it periodically through out the day regardless of the level. If I use the o2 it may only take a few minutes to be above the ...

lioness111 commented on treecookie's post What is the basic rule for using oxygen?


Which is best? Use o2 only when o2 level gets below 90% or just use it periodically through out the day regardless of the level. If I use the o2 it may only take a few minutes to be above the ...

lioness111 commented on treecookie's post What is the basic rule for using oxygen?


Which is best? Use o2 only when o2 level gets below 90% or just use it periodically through out the day regardless of the level. If I use the o2 it may only take a few minutes to be above the ...

lioness111 commented on treecookie's post What is the basic rule for using oxygen?


April 8th finally came. Upon meeting my surgeon, Dr.Crabtree, I immediately liked his great smile. We talked a bit-chit-chat, and after a few minutes, he said,"I have to tell you that you look ...

lioness111 commented on lioness111's post Update on Lung Surgery -Meeting my surgeon-My guardian Angel! Lioness111


April 8th finally came. Upon meeting my surgeon, Dr.Crabtree, I immediately liked his great smile. We talked a bit-chit-chat, and after a few minutes, he said,"I have to tell you that you look ...

Update on Lung Surgery -Meeting my surgeon-My guardian Angel! Lioness111


Sleep is sometimes called shut-eye, and good quality sleep is important for eye health. A recent paper from the Mayo Clinic describes eye conditions associated with sleep disorders, especially ...

lioness111 commented on Linda Fugate PhD's post How Sleep Apnea Affects Your Eyes


We’re learning as we go with this new flu. We already know how it attacks young children and pregnant women. But a study released today of the first 16 weeks of the H1N1 swine flu now shows a ...

lioness111 commented on Diane Porter's post H1N1 and being overweight: You are more at risk for swine flu complications, hospitalization


Biting your nails, waking up at 7 a.m., drinking a soda with each meal and taking the same route to work each day are common habits we form purposely or unintentionally. Depending on your ...

lioness111 commented on Lauren Misak's post Are Habits Harmful or Helpful?


Only a few more days until I leave for New Zealand! I can’t believe this is finally happening. I don’t think it has hit me yet and it probably won’t until I am on the plane. My brother-in-law is ...

lioness111 commented on Melissa Waller's post Seeking a Fresh Perspective, a Positive PET Scan


If you struggle with your weight, the fight just got a little tougher. The latest advice from researchers regarding women and their weight is that we need to exercise an hour a day, 7 days a week, ...

lioness111 commented on Diane Porter's post Women need an hour of exercise daily to maintain weight in midlife


If you struggle with your weight, the fight just got a little tougher. The latest advice from researchers regarding women and their weight is that we need to exercise an hour a day, 7 days a week, ...

lioness111 commented on Diane Porter's post Women need an hour of exercise daily to maintain weight in midlife


It wasn’t too long ago that getting sick meant going to the doctor, listening to your physician tell you what was wrong with you, and then obediently taking your prescription to the pharmacy to be ...

lioness111 commented on Michelle King Robson's post Patient Empowerment in Medicine - An Idea Whose Time Has Definitely Come


One of the Real Housewives in Atlanta (who is not actually a wife, but a mistress with a disastrous hair weave) pretended to have cancer. When asked by Bravo TV if it was true that she had ...

lioness111 commented on SusanC's post Faking it : Pretending to have a serious illness for attention, profit and reward


It wasn’t too long ago that getting sick meant going to the doctor, listening to your physician tell you what was wrong with you, and then obediently taking your prescription to the pharmacy to be ...

lioness111 commented on Michelle King Robson's post Patient Empowerment in Medicine - An Idea Whose Time Has Definitely Come


When my pulmonary doctor's nurse called to remind me of my appointment, I asked her to make copies of my tests. I only expected to get all the new tests from the last few weeks. Upon getting ...

lioness111 commented on lioness111's post What getting copies of all tests and procedures can do for you!!! I was shocked !!!


When my pulmonary doctor's nurse called to remind me of my appointment, I asked her to make copies of my tests. I only expected to get all the new tests from the last few weeks. Upon getting ...

lioness111 commented on lioness111's post What getting copies of all tests and procedures can do for you!!! I was shocked !!!


The pomegranate! That rich fruit that I never heard of until several years ago. I love the taste (especially in Mojitos!) and knw of their health benefits but am interested in the concept of them ...

lioness111 commented on SusanC's post Can the Pomegranate Protect us Against Breast Cancer?


High blood pressure, hypertension and a list of other health related issues can be attributed to too much salt in your diet. Many Americans are becoming more food shopping savvy and looking at ...

lioness111 commented on Joanne Sgro-Killworth's post "Dash" The Salt Habit for Better Health


The average functioning individual does not have a lot to be logically paranoid about. Sure, there's the occasional whisper that you overhear and think is about yourself. There's also the fear ...

lioness111 commented on Rheyanne Weaver's post Gang Stalking: Psychological Targeting in a Group Setting


When my pulmonary doctor's nurse called to remind me of my appointment, I asked her to make copies of my tests. I only expected to get all the new tests from the last few weeks. Upon getting ...

What getting copies of all tests and procedures can do for you!!! I was shocked !!!

EmpowHER Guest

My daughter has migraines and has paralysis with them vision she can't see her face will turn red in areas on her face and here speech is backwards there for awhile her head didn't hurt but her ...

lioness111 commented on Anonymous' post I'm here mother and don't want nothing to happen to her.My ? IS WILLO SHE BE ALLRIGHT


Everyone does it. We get home, or leave work or the gym and we're so hungry we could really eat that proverbial cow. In our minds, we fantasize about those salt and vinegar chips or an order of ...

lioness111 commented on SusanC's post 5 ways to stop grabbing the 'bad' foods when hunger hits hard

EmpowHER Guest

My daughter has migraines and has paralysis with them vision she can't see her face will turn red in areas on her face and here speech is backwards there for awhile her head didn't hurt but her ...

lioness111 commented on Anonymous' post I'm here mother and don't want nothing to happen to her.My ? IS WILLO SHE BE ALLRIGHT