My girl and I had unprotected sex 6 days ago. I didn't cum inside her but we were worried about precum. The next day we bought plan b one step n took it right away. Few hours later she told me she ...

Pregnant or not?!?!


My girlfriend and I had sex. On thursday for the first time. I did not *** inside her but I think I did precam. I was worried that I might have. So the next .day we bought plan b one step. She ...

Pleasehelp commented on Pleasehelp's post Pregnant? Or plan b one step symptoms?


My girlfriend and I had sex. On thursday for the first time. I did not *** inside her but I think I did precam. I was worried that I might have. So the next .day we bought plan b one step. She ...

Pleasehelp commented on Pleasehelp's post Pregnant? Or plan b one step symptoms?


My girlfriend and I had sex. On thursday for the first time. I did not *** inside her but I think I did precam. I was worried that I might have. So the next .day we bought plan b one step. She ...

Pleasehelp commented on Pleasehelp's post Pregnant? Or plan b one step symptoms?


My girlfriend and I had sex. On thursday for the first time. I did not *** inside her but I think I did precam. I was worried that I might have. So the next .day we bought plan b one step. She ...

Pregnant? Or plan b one step symptoms?