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I am a mother of four children, a mixed family where two are of my own blood and all four are of my heart. Both of my children were born in a hospital with a midwife with no drugs or interventions before or after their births. While I was happy with the experience now I realize that it lacked quite a bit. Since that time I have been pregnant and had another child as a surrogate. This child was born in a birth center, attended by midwives, in water. She was born into her father's hands in a calm environment. No one whisked her away to rub her down vigorously, poke her with sharp objects, or otherwise rough her up soon after birth. Instead she was handled with love and care and tenderness. This birth I also had the joy to have a doula and that experience helped me to decide to become one myself.
Since that time I have gone through a DONA workshop, studied extensively, and attended a few births. I am starting my own Doula business though I have yet to get a client. Currently I am in school working towards another associate's degree. This one in Science and nursing so that eventually I can become a CNM and help other women.

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Beaverton, OR 97006

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Every woman deserves support when becoming a mother. Whether for the first time, or the seventh.

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