I have some questions about low out of range DHEA, Vitamin D and Estrogen dominance. I have been suffering from extreme fatigue, lowest mood possible, weight gain, memory loss and foggy minded, ...

questions about low out of range DHEA, Vitamin D and Estrogen dominance


My endocrinologists say I am in range and my naturopath and primary care said I am below optimal range that most doctors will disagree and consider anyone who is alive and breathing to fit in the ...

How do I know if I am low in thyroid, DHEA and testosterone?


i am not sure how to find out when and where my question is answered.

where do i go to see if my question is answered?


Is it possible that my 500mg one time a day ER Metformin could be causing weight gain or my Celexa only 5mg amount be causing it either? I am trying to get to the bottom of why all of sudden my ...

weight gain recently