Almost as soon as a new mom hears the glorious first cry of her baby, she is probably already thinking about how to get back in her skinny jeans. It does not help that celebrities are plastered across magazines and TV looking better than ever weeks, or even days, after giving birth.

That goal is unattainable for most women and even it it was possible, it just is not necessary.

The old adage, "nine months to put on, nine months to take off" is wise advise. New moms need to be gentle with themselves and not expect to pop back to their pre-pregnancy size automatically.

It will take time to lose the weight, especially if there was comsiderable weight gain while pregnant. But with some focus on fitness and eating right, the weight will come off as it is supposed to.

There are a number of books, DVDs, and classes aimed at helping new moms lose weight, but here are three very simple tips to get new moms on the right path.

1) Get moving.

With the exhaustion that comes along with motherhood, especially in the beginning, it is understandable that new moms might not feel energized enough to work out. But as strange as it may seem, working out can actually give one energy!

Try bundling the baby up for a brisk walk around the neighborhood, or even become a mall walker at the local mall. Put on a fitness DVD at nap time. Or maybe just dance around, with our without the baby, for 20 minutes or so.

Experts suggest combining cardio with strength moves for 10-30 minutes for a quick but effective workout. Do what you have to do to just get up and MOVE!

2) Eat right.

Both breastfeeding mothers and moms who are not breastfeeding should respect their bodies and not go for extreme weight loss in a short time. Add lots of fruits and vegetables to the menu, and aim to get 64 ounces of water (or more for breastfeeding moms) states

Feel hungry? Drink eight ounces of water before reaching for a snack. Sometimes thirst is disguised as hunger.

3. Get some sleep.

Sleep is a precious commodity for new moms. Even those lucky enough to have a baby who sleeps well are still adjusting to a different schedule and set of demands, physically and mentally.

Since lack of sleep can slow down one's metabolism, and therefore one's ability to lose weight, it is important to get as much sleep as possible. Being drowsy can also increase one's appetite.

Getting more sleep might mean getting in several short power naps throughout the day. ("Sleep when the baby sleeps" is a good start.) And do not be afraid of asking for help. Sleeping four hours in a row thanks to a helpful partner is a luxury to most new mothers, but it's one that can make any mom feel like a new woman.

Remember that weight loss is a process. Celebrate the small victories along the way. Do not let any shortcomings derail the overall weight loss effort. The pregnancy weight will come off ... probably just in time for the next baby to come along!

Sources: Web. 13 January 2014. "The exhausted new moms workout". Web. 13 January 2014. "Boot camp inspired workout for new moms".

Reviewed January 14, 2014
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith