Women all over the world, of every age, race, and nationality, have one thing in common. All of them have “fat” days.

Sometimes it’s a bloated feeling around “that time of the month” or maybe it’s a Monday morning hangover from too many late night nachos. Or it could just be a busy, stressful time in life when appearances at the gym are rare and fast food is king.

No matter the reason, all women want to look their best, and finding some quick slim-down solutions is key. However, there’s no need to go on 500-calorie starvation diets, relegate one’s self to a juice-cleansing, or live at the gym for the next 36 hours.

There are tons of fashion solutions to give a slimming illusion.

Choosing clothes and accessories to make a woman look thinner is typically about focusing on the right kind of patterns, fit and cut for each woman’s unique body proportions.

It is camouflaging some of the “wobbly bits” and emphasizing the attractive attributes.

Of course, a healthy dose of self-confidence is the linchpin for pulling off any outfit. Check out five simple style tricks any woman can do to look five to ten pounds slimmer in just minutes.

1. Wear clothes that fit.

One of the most important things a woman can do is to choose clothes that are the right size for her body. Big, baggy clothes do not hide a fuller figure. In fact, they accentuate it.

2. Use dark colors to cover the most unflattering parts of the body.

There is a reason why people say black is slimming. They say that because it's true. However, women don't have to shed everything colorful in their wardrobe. Using a dark color over the areas of the body that a woman is uncomfortable with can camouflage that area and draw the attention to her assets in other places.

3. Use shapewear.

Shapewear is not just for overweight women. Women of all sizes have decided that Spanx is not a trend and have wholeheartedly latched on to the shapewear movement. Whether it's toning the tummy, slimming down the hips, or smoothing out a round backside, a little shape wear can work wonders for those "fat days" or any days.

4. Use long necklaces to draw attention from one’s hips.

While accessories will not hide anything directly, they can focus attention off one's problem areas. Long necklaces can create a long, lean appearance and draw eyes upward and inward and away from any saddlebags.

5. Wear hair up and off one’s face.

Instead of focusing on a woman's muffin top, an onlooker's glance will be drawn to her face if her hair is pulled back. Seeing a confident smile on that face will do wonders for making sure the attention continues to get focused right there.

Feeling "fat" is probably something that can't be avoided, but women don't have to give in to it either. Try one, or all five, of these tricks to get a little confidence boost and feel better about those my-jeans-won't-button days.


Sheknows.com. Web. Published 12 Septemeber 2012. "Thirteen body slimming tricks".

Shine.yahoo.com. Web. Published 1 April 2014. "Ten slimming style tricks every woman needs to know."

Reviewed April 3, 2014
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith