People are motivated by different things to get and stay in shape. It may be an upcoming event like a vacation or special occasion. It may be the desire to fit back into a favorite piece of clothing. Different things will motivate people.

With the scramble of back to school classes and fall schedules, my exercise routine was altered, but one day I was finally able to make it to a kickboxing class that I hadn’t been to for a while. I was on time for class and ready to work hard. I had my water, my towel and energetic attitude. I forgot how tough the class was.
I was only twenty minutes into it when my legs and arms were simultaneously screaming for a break from the nonstop punches and kicks. The uncomfortable lines of sweat trickled down my skin and began to pool in the small of my back creating what I could only guess to be a large wet spot on the back of my shirt for all my fellow kickboxers to see. I could barely catch my breath. I started to wonder if anyone would notice if I slowly kicked closer to the door and snuck out with my bag. After all, I tried to rationalize, half of a workout is better than none at all.

With a glance around the room, I see something that will change my mind and inspire me to keep working. Within the packed class of dedicated participants, there were about three other people at least double my size in weight. Their faces were flushed, their hair damp with sweat and they were keeping up with the workout. I suddenly felt a new surge of inspiration.

Sometimes it is easy to see an instructor or class regular with a perfectly toned body and think, “Of course they look like that but I never could.” Sometimes what you think is unattainable is not something with enough power to motivate you. I started to think of the others; if the people who are struggling like me are strong enough to finish class then I can finish with them. They seemed to have the same desire to make a change as I did. With the final stretch completed, we all clapped energetically, partially because this excruciating class was over and because we were proud of ourselves. Proud to have finished and proud to have started our day with doing something good for our bodies.