Supplements of Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B6 can help with the task of weight loss. Both are water-soluble B vitamins. "All of these B vitamins help the body in converting carbohydrates into glucose or sugar, which is burned in order to produce energy for proper body function. These are often referred to as B complex vitamins, and are essential for the breakdown of fats and proteins."

Vitamin B12 is a cobalamine that benefits muscle tone, the lining of the digestive tract, and the nervous system. Supplements of this vitamin benefit the eyes, hair, liver and skin. It supports the immune system and reduces edema. Vitamin B12 lends itself to energy production, and thyroid health.

Vitamin B6 is also known as pyridoxine. As a water-soluble B vitamin, it stimulates the thyroid, which facilitates weight loss. Supplements of this vitamin help maintain a proper hormone balance in women. Cravings, the nemesis of weight loss, decrease with the use of Vitamin B6.