Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia (FM) are chronic conditions that affect every aspect of every day for the sufferer. Bruce Campbell recommends the 1% Solution.

While the 1% Solution will not cure CFS or FM, Campbell's suggestions can become significant factors in making life more manageable. Here are a few of those suggestions.

Taking regular rest breaks can increase stability and restore energy levels somewhat. If you can be in contact with other people also dealing with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or fibromyalgia, this can help to reduce the sense of isolation, and increase a sense of community and belonging that has been sorely lacking for many.

"Through self-observation, you can discover what intensifies your symptoms and what helps you to feel better. Then, over time, you can adjust your life so you do less of the things that make you worse and more of those things that help. A starting point is to spend a few minutes making two lists, one of things that make your symptoms worse and the other of things that give you a sense of control."