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We’ve all been there. You have a million things going on at once and it feels like there’s not enough time in the day to get everything finished. You get stuck in your busy routine and you forget to make time for your health and wellness.

It’s understandable – you just don’t feel like you have the time! While health and fitness might not seem like a top daily priority, it is a top priority for leading a healthful and full life. 

But how can you make sure you’re doing what you can in your busy schedule to stay healthy? These six things will help you stay on the right track!

1) Prep and Plan

A great way to save time and money and to make sure you’re eating the right foods is meal planning and prepping. Try carving out few hours a week to plan and make meals for the week to bring to school or work, or to even eat for dinner at home.

Having food prepared on hand will save you tons of money and most importantly, time. When you’re feeling as if you don’t have a minute to spare. Plus, you’ll be prepping meals that YOU like, so you’ll always be satisfied.  

2) Healthy Grab 'n Go  

Like meal prepping, stocking up on healthy grab 'n go options will keep you from reaching for processed, sugary snacks. Health and fitness enthusiast Paula Scott (@leanpauladean on Instagram) lost 80 pounds by cutting out snacks and food high in sodium and sugar.

She swears by her favorite low-fat protein bars and nuts, and peanut butter with bananas and apples for satisfying, quick snacks. Scott also makes sure she has her essential nutrients on hand for busy days.

“I prep everything – even down to bagging my multivitamins so I have it for on the go and remember to take it,” Paula says. “I also bag my protein powder to mix with water or milk to make a quick shake as a snack if I need it!”

3) Use a Water Bottle 

Yes, this may seem obvious, but it’s more helpful than people think.  Carrying a water bottle around is an easy way to steer clear from carbonated or sugary beverages. 

When you always have it full, you’ll start reaching for that more often than not. It’s also a great way to get the recommended 64 ounces of water a day. Make it a competition with yourself to see how many times you have to fill it up until you reach your goal.

Water is one of the most natural ways to energize yourself, so if you always have it on hand, you’ll always be ready to tackle your to-do list! Also, make sure to do your research for a BPA-free reusable bottle!

4) Plan for the Gym in Advance

Whether you like to work out in the morning or later in the evening, planning for the gym in advance cuts time out of the process of actually going. 

Set your alarm in the mornings a little earlier and lay out your gear the night before. That way, you can change quickly and be out the door.

If you’re an after-work gym goer, bring your gym bag into the office with you. You can change once you’ve clocked out and you’ll be ready to go right after work. If you’re already dressed and ready, you’ll feel more inclined to put your gear to work and hit the gym. 

5) Make Healthy Use of Your Smartphone 


While we mostly use our phones for personal entertainment, they can be used for health and wellness too! 

There are so many apps available for fitness and health tracking.  Always having your phone means you will always have a way to track and keep up with your health goals. You can even record your meals throughout the day to see what you should and shouldn’t be eating.  

Some of the best ones for busy bees are Lose It!,a weight loss program and calorie counter that helps you set goals for yourself and 12 Minute Athlete HIIT Workouts, over 180 workouts that will leaving you dripping sweat in 12 minutes. 

6) Pump Up the Jams 

It might not seem like it’s an actual way to stay healthy, but it’s one of my favorite ways to make sure I won’t lose my mind when I’m busy. 

Listening to an upbeat, high BPM (beats per minute) playlist throughout the day will make you feel good and inspire you to get moving. Put your headphones on and take a walk during your lunch break or sneak away and have a mini-dance party.

Just have fun with it! Bottom line, music makes people happy. It will put a smile on your face and keep you sane during your busiest moments. 


5 Health & Fitness Apps That Make My Life Better. Retrieved Oct. 7, 2014.

5 Apps That Keep Me Happy, Fit & Healthy. Retrieved Oct. 7, 2014.

8 Tips To Stay Healthy When You're Crazy Busy. Retrieved Oct. 7, 2014.

Interview with Paula Scott. 

Reviewed October 8, 2014

 by Michele Blacksberg RN 

Edited by Jody Smith