Holiday shopping is stressful enough without having to worry about getting sick. So many people. So many germs. The safest way to avoid germs is to shop online, but if you have to go to the dreaded mall, arm yourself with these six tips before you go shopping.

1. Get a flu shot. Sick people still have to shop for the holidays. The air is filled with germs from coughing and sneezing. Check out the nearest pharmacy. Most are offering influenza vaccines at an affordable price.

2. Avoid sickly people. Notice a sneezer in line ahead of you? Jump on another line. See a shopper who just coughed before handling that pretty sweater you had your eye on? Run the other way, there’s lots of pretty sweaters.

Of course, you can run from everything, but try to be aware of people around you. Use hand sanitizer as needed.

3. Quick Restroom Breaks. If you’re spending the day in a shopping mall, there’s no way you can avoid the public restroom. Just be quick about it. Use toilet seat covers where available and flush with your foot. Next, grab a paper towel and use it to turn the faucet on and off.

Wash and wipe hands thoroughly (you know the drill), then use a clean paper towel to open the restroom door when you leave. Last but not least -- hand sanitize.

4. Avoid escalator handrails. Try to balance yourself while riding the escalator, but if you can't, keep a tissue in your hand or, once again, hand sanitize after stepping off. The alternatives: take an elevator or use the stairs.

5. Think before you touch. If you’re shopping for toys, look but don’t touch is the rule of thumb. Don’t even think about how many runny-nosed kids touched the stuff before you. If you decide to buy, choose toys in boxes and protective covering.

6. Keep hands away from your face. Remember your mother’s warnings, “Keep your hands out of your mouth! Stop rubbing your eyes!" Mama wasn’t trying to be mean, she was trying to keep you well.

Always drop your hand sanitizer and/or anti-bacterial wipes in your purse before hitting the malls and most importantly, don’t go overboard. Worrying too much about germs can cause obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and that can create a new set of problems. The key to protecting yourself against germs is to be smart and aware of those around you.


ABC News – Health - ABC NEWS ONCALL+ COLD AND FLU CENTER - Hand Sanitizers: Protection From Mall's Germiest Spots. Web. 5, December, 2011

Mayo Clinic – Health – Diseases & Condition – Influenza (Flu) – Question - Flu germs: How long can they live outside the body? Web. 5, December 2011

Reviewed December 6, 2011
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith