1) Women who work in a place that primarily employs males are more likely to be stressed.

Working as one or one of a few women within a workplace can cause high levels of stress, according to a study from Indiana University Bloomington researchers. In an observation of 440 women who worked with at least 85 percent males, many had stress levels that could be damaging to their health.

2) Women are more likely to look for a divorce than men.

According to new research released by Stanford sociologist Michael Rosenfeld at the American Sociological Association's annual meeting, women initiate divorce 69 percent of the time, and report less satisfaction in their marriages, than their significant others.
Washinton Post

3) Premature babies may be caused by a microbe found within the mother’s body.

Stanford University researchers may have discovered how to see who is at risk of having a premature baby by looking at bacteria in mothers' reproductive tracts. During the study, they found that women who went into preterm labor had a different collection of bacteria than those who did not.
ABC News

4) British scientists are working on a "liquid biopsy" that will tell breast cancer patients if they are about relapse.

In the works is a liquid biopsy that tests breast cancer patients for any tumorous cells that may be floating in the bloodstream prior to them developing into a tumor. Over a two-year term, researchers from London's Institute of Cancer Research caught 12 out of 15 relapsing breast cancer cases using their blood test.
NBC News

5) Teenagers who self-identify as goths may have a higher risk of depression.

According to a new study released in the The Lancet Psychiatry, 15-year-olds who call themselves goths are three times more likely to have clinical depression. These teens were also five times more likely to commit self-harm by the time they are 18.

6) Mexico bans new moms from getting free baby formula at hospitals in an attempt to encourage breastfeeding.

As a measure to try to improve the health of infants in Mexico, the country has banned hospitals from giving away free baby formulas to new moms. However, moms can still get nursing milk in stores, or if requested by a doctor. Mexico has a low rate of breastfeeding, with only one in seven mothers exclusively breastfeeding their babies during their first six months of life.