Over the years, home medical tests have become more available. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's website, the following home tests have been approved:

• Cholesterol

• Pregnancy


• Prothrombin

• Hepatitis C

• Menopause

• Ovulation (saliva and urine)

• Vaginal pH

• Glucose

• Fecal occult blood

The FDA states, "These tests are cost-effective, quick, and confidential." They are very easy to use and can often save you a trip to the doctor's office. They can also do the following:

• Detect possible health conditions when you have no symptoms. The sooner you detect a possible health condition, the earlier the treatment, and you can lower your chances of health complications (i.e., cholesterol testing, hepatitis testing).

• Detect specific conditions when there are no signs so that you can take immediate action (i.e., pregnancy testing).

• Monitor conditions to allow frequent changes in treatment (i.e., glucose testing to monitor blood sugar levels in diabetes).

Most of these tests can be paid for through your FSA account.

You can purchase a home kit to test your cholesterol for $23.99. The kit is sold online and takes 12 minutes for the result. It is a great test if you have a family history of cardiovascular health disease.

The test only requires two to three drops of blood and you read the results like a thermometer. This test checks your HDL and total cholesterol.

In addition, the best way to secure the best test results is to do the following:

• Use only tests regulated by FDA.

• Read the label carefully.

• Follow the direction carefully.

• Keep good records of your testing.

• Call the 800 telephone number listed on your home-use test if you have any

• Contact your doctor if you feel you have false results.

• Don't change medications based on the home testing kit without consulting your doctor first.

You can purchase a glucose reader for as low as $20 at your local drug store. For better deals, some stores may ask you to purchase the item online but they generally offer free shipping for purchases over $50.

However, one of the best home tests to see if someone suffered a stroke is free. If you believe someone has suffered a stroke, give them the F.A.S.T. test. Check for:

FACIAL weakness: Can the person smile? Has their mouth or eye drooped?

ARM weakness: Can the person raise both arms?

SPEECH problems: Can the person speak clearly and understand what you say?

TIME to call 911.

If the individual has any of these symptoms, they've suffered a stroke and you should call 911 immediately.


"Medical Devices." Home Use Tests. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.

"Medical Devices." How You Can Get the Best Results With Home Use Tests. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.

"FAQs: When Stroke Happens." Home. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.

Reviewed April 30, 2014
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith