The use of bisphenol A (BPA) has been banned in children's products, in the state of Maryland on April 13, 2010. "BPA is an integral ingredient of epoxy resin, used to coat the interiors of virtually all metal food cans manufactured in North America. The FDA, EPA, government and independent scientists and health advocates are particularly concerned about BPA leaching into canned infant formula, because of numerous studies that have linked the chemical to developmental abnormalities in fetal and infant test animals."

Maryland is the fifth state to pass such legislation against BPA, after Connecticut, Minnesota, Washington and Wisconsin. Other jurisdictions that have restricted BPA for children's products are the city of Chicago, and Albany County, Schenectady County and Suffolk County in the state of New York.

Environmental Working Group (EWG) was pleased to testify before the Senate and House of Delegate committees in favor of this ban. EWG is a nonprofit research organization based in Washington, DC, whose aim is the protection of our health and the environment.