You may not have heard of Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis, but it's already on intimate terms with your breastfed baby. Fortunately this bacteria can be your baby's lifelong friend.

The subspecies of the bacteria Bifidobacterium longum inhabits the gastrointestinal tract of your nursing infant. This particular strain of bifido isn't found in adults.

B. longum subsp. infantis aids in your baby's digestion and also offers protection against toxic bacteria. It is in a symbiotic relationship with your baby, partaking of components of your breast milk -- components that, as it happens, your baby doesn't need.

It certainly looks like the sugars that B. longum subsp. infantis feeds upon is in breast milk specifically for this purpose, to sustain B. longum subsp. infantis so that it can protect the health of your child.

Five species of bifidobacteria that occur in human beings are Bifidobacteria bididum (bifidus), B. infantis, B. breve, B. adolescentis, and B. longum.

Bifidobacteria don't get absorbed, they remain in the GI tract, sticking to intestinal mucosa. They can then keep toxic bacteria from sticking with them.

Bifidobacteria production of acetic acid and lactic acid creates an environment which is inhospitable to toxins. Immune cells (macrophages) can be activated by the presence of bifido with the result of the suppression of toxic bacteria.

B. longum subsp. infantis likes the complex sugars that are derived from the lactose in breast milk. Chains of other sugar units are added to a lactose molecule, creating complex sugars.

Lactose is the main carbohydrate that occurs in milk, a combination of sugars glucose and galactose. Alpha-lactalbumin (LALBA) helps with the process of combining glucose and galatose. Lactose production is then stimulated.

Alpha-lactalbumin will also attack tumor cells and cells infected by viruses, bringing about the destruction of these cells.

It has been rather puzzling to researchers that breast milk should contain elements like these complex sugars that can't be broken down by the human genome. Why would the milk have components that can't be utilized by the baby?

But as it happens, the bifido subspecies can break down these sugars, and thrives on them.

The complex sugars pull double duty because they also apparently dupe toxic bacteria, leading them away from the vulnerable and attractive target of your baby's intestines. The toxic bacteria seem to think they are binding to human cells which are made of the same enzymes as these complex sugars.

The toxic bacteria will then bind to the complex sugars, and eventually are passed harmlessly through the baby's gastrointestinal tract.

How tidy is that.

Scientists at the University of California, Davis have been studying B. longum subsp. infantis for some time. Dr. Bruce German, Dr. Carlito Lebrilla and Dr. David Mills are bent on "deconstructing" mother's milk.

They figure that this elixir that has nourished every generation since the beginning of our existence must hold plenty of information that can be used in the care, nurture and defense of the human body.

Their research can be seen in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

These researchers are intrigued by the possibilities of ulitilizing this information in aid of as many people as possible. The complex sugars can perhaps be administered to premature babies or babies born by caesarean section, who don't otherwise have the optimal connection with the bacteria.

These infants could benefit from its introduction to their little gastrointestinal tracts. The elderly might also experience some revitalization from supplementation.

One potential source for the bifidobacteria may turn out to be the whey from cow's milk, which is a byproduct of the cheesemaking process. It has been recently discovered that whey is a source of sugars similar to that in human milk. Alpha-lactalbumin is also a whey protein.

The more the researchers study breast milk, the more they are convinced that every element is essential for the well-being of the infant. Dr. Mills said, "It's all there for a purpose, though we're still figuring out what that purpose is. So for God's sake, please breast-feed."


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