The Casa de Salud Clinic is about four years old, and like I stated in Part 1, it treats everyone, which means the uninsured and the undocumented. You will never hear, "Our doctors are not accepting any new patients now."

Meaning, you will not be able to seek help for what ails you, so try your luck elsewhere. The Casa de Salud represents care for the people, and profits for a few.

Lisa Sanderson-Fox, a midwife at the clinic, delivers about one to four babies a month, either at the mother's home or at the clinic's birth center. When I had my chat with her, she kept checking her watch for news of a soon to arrive, any moment now baby.

Very few people, sitting and talking over tea as we were doing, check the time for such a momentous impending occasion. Most of Lisa's work is at the Casa de Salud's Well Women Center, where she does pap screens, breast exams and free cervical screens. Her work is divided between prenatal care and gynecological care.

For those patients wishing to have their babies in a hospital, they can go to the University of New Mexico Hospital and the costs will be paid by the Emergency Medical Services for Aliens program. The clinic also has child preparation classes.

At Lisa's suggestion, I will be planning a visit to the Casa de Salud in the near future to take a tour. You will be reading about this first hand experience at an incredibly unique place.