You've been busy! So, do you know what happened this week in our community? Here are some interesting blogs you should catch up on. 

Are You In a Relationship with a Narcissist? 4 Warning Signs


"Soon, the excitement and status wear thin. This is because a true narcissist lacks inner qualities necessary for a healthy bond: empathic perspective-taking, a moral conscience, stable confidence, and the ability to be intimate and genuine with another human being."

By Melody Wilding

 6 Ways to Help the Environment While Shopping 


"Would you like to lend a hand, but don’t know where to start? How about the next time you head out to the store? Here are a few ways to help the environment when you’re out shopping."

By Stephanie Lindberg


Coconut Oil: Your Secret Weapon to Fight Candida


"Incorporating coconut oil into the diet is a straightforward alternative to chemical additives—like triclosan and antibiotics. "

By Donna Gates

Make Some Noise! Join Our Thunderclap


"On March 22nd, we will be part of a thunderous movement on social media. Kangu is creating a massive message to help women all over the world have a healthy and safe birth by spreading the word to help fund a mama."

By EmpowHER