This week we saw a wide variety of questions come into our community. Women asked about getting pregnant after stopping birth control pills, depression and the symptoms of anemia. Our moderators provided resources and answers to these health questions as well as many others. Do you have a health question you need an answer for? Post it to our community, and we promise to respond within 24 hours.

Here are some of our top ASKs in the EmpowHER community this week.

1. What happens to your ovaries if you only have your uterus removed?

Via Pexels

A: In general the ovaries will shut down within 5 years after having a hysterectomy. When the ovaries shut down you will experience menopausal symptoms.

Read the full answer here.

2.Why does my depression keep worsening even though I am taking stronger medication?

Via Pexels

A: My heart goes out to you. With all that you are dealing with, it is not at all surprising that you are crushed by depression, feel hopeless and overcome with despair. Why can you not speak with your husband? Is he unreceptive to your feelings or do you not feel comfortable talking with him?

Read the full answer here.

3. Can I get pregnant immediately after stopping birth control pills?

Via Pexels

A: Birth control pills prevent ovulation. You have to be off the pill for about 2 weeks in order to start ovulating again. So, on the 28th-30th you were most likely not ovulating because you had just stopped taking the pill.p> Read the full answer here.

4. What are the symptoms of anemia?

Via Pexels

A: Anemia means that either the level of red blood cells or the level of hemoglobin is lower than normal, which deprives the body of adequate oxygen. Common symptoms are due to the reduced amount of oxygen in the body and include tiredness, feeling faint, and becoming easily breathless.

Read the full answer here.