As many as 80% of people that made resolutions for 2009 will break them and most don’t make it through the end of January. How do you get back on the wagon if you have broken your New Year resolutions?

Welcome to the club. Most people in order to change a habit will have to fail many times before it becomes a part of their new lifestyle. Relapse is a part of recovery as they say In Alcoholics Anonymous. The important thing is once you experience a small set back, don’t say, “Well I blew it,” and throw in the towel until next year.

What the biggest mistake that people make with resolutions?
People will often set unrealistic and nonspecific goals. I want to lose weight, spend less, quit smoking. You need a plan so research the best way to do what you are trying to accomplish then..
Break it down
Break the goal down into baby steps that are easily achievable. If you smoke 20 cigarettes, cut back by two. Don’t try to lose 100 pounds all at once. Try for the first 5 or don’t focus on the pounds at all instead…

Frame it in the Positive
Don’t think about what you are giving up. If you feel deprived or like a martyr then eventually you will overinduldge. The problem is not with the first thing that you may slip up on but the continued mistakes that follow self-loathing when you feel like a failure.
Focus on what you can do. I will drink 4 glasses to water today. I will walk 3 times this week. I will focus on eating 2 fruits today. Whatever the goal keep it small and attainable. Keep track of the baby steps, cross it off on a calendar. Mark it on a paper. Seeing is believing and that will give you confidence.

Find Your Foes
If you have broken your promise then you know what doesn’t work. If you have a friend that you spend too much with, maybe think of a different activity other than going to the mall with that person. Be assertive and tell someone. I am trying to be healthy, and I really can’t go to an all you can eat buffet with you right now. Some may not like the new healthy you and will try to sabotage your efforts. Be aware.

Use the Buddy System
Surround your self with positive people who want to help accomplish your goals. Be aware of the energy leechers. Join a support group like Weight Watchers.
We had a saying in med school. P=MD That means you just have to pass and still be a doctor. Perfection sets you up for failure. Try to attain a passing rate for your goals. If you do your resolution 70% of the time then you will likely be able to make a permanent change.
The greatest long-term success weight loss is not the people who follow a strict diet. Sure they may lose weight quickly but then are much more likely to gain it all back.

Do smokers need extra help?
Overall smoking rated has decreased so the people that still smoke are more likely to be Nicotine dependent smokers.
What is a Nicotine dependent smoker?
That is a smoker who is physically addicted to the drug nicotine found in cigarettes. They will smoke within 5-60 minutes of getting out of bed. They will smoke when they are sick, or find in hard to not smoking in places like movie theaters or church. Will power may not be enough for them.
They are more likely to need 3 nicotine patches and have nicotine gum lozenges or spray for back up. They may also need a tablet such as Zyban to help them quit.

Take a test to see if you have Nicotine Dependence

Whatever your resolutions, goals or dreams, the only certain way to fail is to stop trying.

Peace in the New Year!

Dr. Deb

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