Dr. Wes' specialty in his medical practice is the human heart. And just maybe, he is a specialist of the heart in other respects as well.

Stress and discouragement can take their toll on us all. Everyone has had the experience of feeling trapped and beaten at one time or another. What grabbed me about Dr. Wes' blog was his understanding of a friend who was being overwhelmed by life, and his declaration that he has felt that same sense of futility in the past himself.

"I had been there once. Like a fly buzzing against a pane of glass, persistently buzzing, buzzing, unable to escape, able to see the sun on the other side of the window, but no matter how hard I buzzed against that window, I could never make it outside. The forces against me were just too great."

Dr. Wes has been blogging since 2005. Do your heart some good and check him out.
