The American Cancer Society has changed the recommended age for women to get mammograms.

The American Cancer Society has updated their recommended age when women are supposed to start getting mammogram testing from 40 to 45. This is the first time in 32 years that the ACS has updated their mammogram recommendation age. The ACS now states that women aged 45-54 should get annual mammograms, and that those older than 55 are recommended to do so every other year.
American Cancer Society

A new study suggests that the number of moles you have on your right arm can be evidence for your risk of melanoma.

If you have 11 or more moles on your right arm, you may be at more risk for developing melanoma skin cancer according to a new study published in the British Journal of Dermatology. The study looked at 17 different body parts of participants, and they found that the best gauge of the number of moles that would be on the entire body was to look at the arms.
FOX News

Not limiting antibiotics for children can cause them to gain weight.

A study done at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that the more antibiotics given to children over a long period of time, the more likely they were to gain weight. The study observed the health records of approximately 143,000 children that were aged three to 18 years old. The study found that the BMI of some children taking antibiotics increased, but would go back down after the medication was no longer used. However, these children were more likely to put on weight in their teens compared to those who took no antibiotics as children.
New York Times

Getting Botox injected into the heart could lower risk for complications during bypass surgery.

New research within the Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology journal states that Botox injected into the heart can help keep its beating regulated during surgery. There had been previous studies with Botox injections in the heart on animals, but this was the first human study that utilized 60 patients. Half of the group was given Botox, while the other half was the control group. Within the group given Botox injections, only 7 percent had irregular heartbeats within a month after the surgery, whereas 30 percent of the control group experience irregular beating.
Latino Health

The hearts of women and men age differently.

In a new study published in the Radiology journal, researchers found that the left ventricle in men increased in size over a period of 10 years, while it decreased or stayed approximately the same size for women over the same period of time. The study observed approximately 3,000 adults during the ten year period.
FOX News