Interested in a massage? Nervous because you've never done it before?

Maybe you're wondering what to expect. Will you have to get naked? Depends on the type of massage you'll be getting.

For instance, some types of massage recommend that you not have a bath or shower before your massage.

Then there are other massages where you and your therapist may have a definite preference that you do shower or bathe, so find out beforehand.

Don't eat a big meal before your appointment. If your stomach is too full, it can be painful during the massage.

Keep caffeine to a minimum, or forego it completely for the day if you can, since it affects the nervous system. Refrain from drinking because alcohol will raise toxin levels in your blood. Counter-productive for a massage.

Makeup, hair spray, perfume, lotions, and other products you might normally apply to your body are best left off for today. If you can't quite see going barefaced, just use the minimum.

You may have gel, lotion or oil to wipe off after your session, so take along a towel for this purpose.

Be prepared for the possibility of a bad hair day when your massage is done. If you're having a neck and head massage complete with lotion or oil, keeping your hair tidy and stylish is not your therapist's main goal.

If you need to disrobe completely, be reassured that you will have a sheet covering you. Also be prepared however to have it lifted off of whatever area is being massaged at the time.

Ideally, you will have been able to make your appointment for a time when you will not be having to rush to or from your massage.

An appointment timed so that you can go home and rest after it's done would be good. Even better would be scheduling your appointment when you have no other work or obligations to deal with that day.

If you have the time and opportunity, a soak in a sauna or hot tub before you go for your massage will make your muscles more relaxed and assist with the purposes of your massage.

For a first appointment you will need to show up about 20 minutes early to fill out your paperwork.

Be sure to tell your massage therapist about any specific problem areas. Also tell your practitioner whether there are spots that you don't want to have worked on.

Your practitioner will show you to the room where you'll be having your massage. They will tell you how much you need to undress, and leave you for a few minutes to do so.

When they come back into the room, it's time for your massage.

Let your massage therapist know if pressure is too intense for you. The more feedback you can give, the better suited to your needs your massage will be.


How to Prepare for a Massage. Retrieved July 13, 2012.

How Should I Prepare to Get a Massage? Retrieved July 13, 2012.

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