The recent natural disaster in Japan has had many people stateside concerned about preparedness. So when I found an article on Yahoo! Shine entitled, “Preparing a Disaster Kit," I took note. You may want to also.

Of course the type of supplies you would need greatly depends on the type of disaster that occurs, but a basic kit could go a long way in helping you feel better prepared for “just in case.” According to the article, there are basic items essential to any kit as recommended by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Red Cross:

Water – three-day supply, or one gallon for each person per day.

First Aid supplies – gauze, bandages in varying sizes, petroleum jelly, antiseptic, sunscreen, aspirin, adhesive tape, tweezers, scissors, thermometer, diarrhea medicine, antacid, laxative, and poison control items.

Food – three-day supply of non-perishable food or two-week supply if staying home to ride out a catastrophe.

Clothing and sanitation supplies – warm clothes for cold weather, blankets, sunglasses, and soap, toilet paper, detergent, etc.

Tools and special items – ID cards and birth certificates, credit card info., cash, prescription info., battery powered radio, flashlight, lantern, compass, can opener, matches, paper and pencil, wrench, whistle, etc.

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Yahoo! Shine: Preparing a Disaster Kit
FEMA: Prepare for a Disaster
]]>American Red Cross: Prepare Your Home and Family]]>

Christine Jeffries is a writer/editor for work and at heart, and lives in a home of testosterone with her husband and two sons. Christine is interested in women’s health and promoting strong women.