While you may have previously considered public toilets to be germ-infested areas to be wary of and avoid touching as much as possible, according to a LifeScript.com article they pale in comparison to the sink area and door handles in most bathrooms.

Why is that, you may ask? Consider that door handles, the soap dispenser and sink handles are the first things a person touches when entering a public restroom, and after relieving him or herself. As you may have guessed, the article cites airplane restrooms as the biggest germ threat among public bathrooms.

Assuming you are hygiene conscious and scrub your hands adequately, then dry them off and use the towel to shut off the water supply (if it’s not auto-powered), you shouldn’t need to worry.

It may even surprise you to learn that the toilet actually is commonly the cleanest in the bathroom, since most women use the provided tissue toilet seat covers. That may help you rest easier.

Do you have a question about preventing sickness? Check out EmpowHER’s pages. Sign-up, post a question, share your story, connect with other women in our groups and community, and feel EmpowHERed!

LifeScript.com: Avoid Getting Sick: Top 8 Germiest Public Places Exposed
EmpowHER: Toilet Seats: Can you Catch Infections From Them?

Christine Jeffries is a writer/editor for work and at heart, and lives in a home of testosterone with her husband and two sons. Christine is interested in women’s health and promoting strong women.