More than 900 homeless adults were interviewed about the ease they do or do not have in accessing health care.

"While 73 percent of respondents reported at least one unmet health need, 49 percent reported two or more unmet needs. The breakdown regarding inability to access particular types of care was 32 percent for medical or surgical care, 36 percent for prescription medications, 21 percent for mental health care, 41 percent for eyeglasses, and 41 percent for dental care. The most frequently cited reasons were the inability to afford needed care and lack of health insurance. The researchers note that, since all study participants had received some services at an HCH-funded site during the previous year, their results may under-represent the overall level of unmet health needs among homeless people."

Ironically the homeless who worked more were also more likely to suffer a lack of health insurance. And, equally as surprising, those who had worked during the last twelve months found it more difficult to access health care services than those who didn't work last year. Homeless people also had difficulties in getting proper food.