This week we saw a wide variety of questions come into our community. Women asked about transplants after cancer recovery, skin care in the winter and drinking champagne to ward off Alzheimer's disease. Our moderators provided resources and answers to these health questions as well as many others. Do you have a health question you need an answer for? Post it to our community, and we promise to respond within 24 hours.

Here are some of our top ASKs in the EmpowHER community this week.

1. Why do the soles of my feet hurt?

Via Pixabay

A: Causes include Injury, overuse, or conditions causing inflammation involving any of the bones, ligaments or tendons in the foot. Arthritis is a common cause of foot pain.

Anonymous, do you stand on your feet for long periods of time? What types of shoes do you wear? Are you overweight? Have you been diagnosed with arthritis or type 2 diabetes? Read the full answer here.

2.Why does skin get so dry in the winter?

Via Pexels

A: Our skin can take a beating with freezing temperatures, low humidity leaving the air dry, which in turns can leave your skin dry, flaky, as well as itchy.

Here are some suggestions:

Add humidity to your home. Portable humidifiers or those that work with your heating system put moisture in the air that will be absorbed by your skin and hair. Read the full answer here.

3. Can champagne reduce your risk of Alzheimer's and dementia?

Via Pexels

A: A couple of years ago, at the Reading University, research was done on rats that showed improved performance on simple memory test. The researchers believe that drinking three (3) glasses of champagne a week might improve cognitive functioning.

There is a wide variety of wine related health benefits supported by research already, so to have an additional one that helps with Alzheimer's and dementia is very exciting. More testing is needed, specifically on humans, before these findings are confirmed. Read the full answer here.

4. I have end have stage kidney failure and cannot have a transplant for another 4 years because I had breast cancer last year. Why can't you have a transplant for five years after having cancer?

Via Pexels

A: Congratulations on your successful treatment for breast cancer.I'm sorry to know you have other serious health concerns to deal with still.

From my research, transplants are never conducted on anyone with cancer. Because many cancer patients are considered to be in remission from cancer (once treatment is successful) for five years. Remission means there is no active cancer in the body but there is the potential for it to return. Read the full answer here.