Ruth Gray is a registered nurse who works with home hemodialysis patients. At-home dialysis is a great step forward, freeing these patients from time-consuming visits to a clinic.

Gray helps her patients regain some control over their lives by training them in at-home dialysis. They have the freedom of taking treatments at home, and the security of knowing that the status of their health is regularly monitored by experienced and caring staff like Ruth Gray.

Transcribed from video interview

The way we know how often you need to do treatment is by your lab values and the doctor looking at them with the nurses and seeing how well your clean or toxic waste is removed from your body, in the length of treatment that you run and how often you run. And that’s pretty much determined by the doctor and your lab values.

I just recently had one of my home hemodialysis patients, have a spouse, who is their partner, in hospital for surgery. And I was able to bring this person in and do their treatment in my training center.

However, our Tempe Dialysis Center, which is our partner, is our backup unit for those who, if their partner is out of town or just needs a break, they will take them in and do treatments in-center for them.

About Ruth:
Ruth Gray, R.N., H.H.D., is a registered nurse affiliated with Southwest Kidney Dialysis in Tempe, Arizona. Ruth works with DaVita Tempe Dialysis in the home hemodialysis department, training patients to perform at-home dialysis.

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