Lourdes Salvador is pleased to announce that May is MCS Awareness Month. MCS stands for multiple chemical sensitivity.

"Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) affects over 48 million men, women, and children of all races. Even though MCS is of widespread epidemic prevalence, public awareness of the toxicity of common environmental insults and ways to manage and accommodate MCS remain limited."

The goal is to raise awareness about the increasing toxicity in our environment, the effects this has on people, and ways to decrease toxicity, protect the environment, and restore the health of those who are already sick.

If you're looking for ideas for ways to participate in MCS Awareness this month, Salvador has an Event Planning Kit full of ideas and materials. Many of the people suffering from MCS are so ill that they aren't able to raise awareness on their own. Healthy people are needed to take up the cause with them.

You can also help out by wearing clothes that promote awareness, with logos, information or pictures related to MCS. Or you can just wear yellow. Yellow is the color that's been chosen to represent MCS.
