Despite the misunderstandings that often arise from the name Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the truth is many people with this illness have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, and what sleep patterns they do have are not refreshing.

Many people with ME/CFS have multiple sleep problems. Since serious illnesses such as ME/CFS require extra sleep as the body and brain attempt to heal, this lack of restful sleep compounds an already damaging situation.

Dr. Sarah Myhill offers some information on the nature of sleep and some suggestions that she hopes may bring some element of relief to some people suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

"Loss of sleep is a major risk factor for heart disease, cancer and degenerative conditions. We damage our cells during wakening hours, and heal and repair during sleep – get the balance wrong and one ratchets downhill with time with not enough time to heal and repair the damage created during wakeful hours!"