It’s often been said that men take better care of their cars than their bodies. Well, while that might be true, it’s more important now than ever for men to get regular checkups from their doctors/practitioners.

I like to use the car analogy of preventative maintenance for guys. I ask how long their car will run without changing the oil--about 50,000 miles? I tell guys that at about 40 years of age, or at 50,000 miles, without any care, the engine will blow up.

There are numerous health-related problems that can be detected early without long term consequences. Often men have no distinguishable early symptoms with such conditions as: heart disease, colon cancer, hormone imbalances, or diabetes. But simple tests such as cholesterol panels, hormone screening, blood glucose/insulin levels and other simple tests gives us the information at our finger tips to help head off medical problems early on.

Cancer, in particular, is a subject typically off limits to men; it’s something men just do not talk about. Men seem to have a sense of invulnerability. It’s a guy thing to be macho, confident and somewhat fearless. Those are all qualities we might admire in business, but in terms of health they can be fatal. According to the research, two-thirds of cancers can be prevented by lifestyle changes and early detection. More than half of all new cancers can be detected early. So, an annual physical exam could save his life.

I would suggest that when your “special man” goes for his next checkup, he should talk to his doctor about how he can stay healthy and young, no matter what his age is. Ask for a complete hormone panel. Balancing male hormones is just important as it is for women, as it helps prevent heart disease, improves their zest for life, helps them with energy, endurance, strength, and stamina. It also can improve their physique – fighting against weight gain, and helping them feel their best, emotionally, mentally, and physically!

Sometimes it’s necessary for we as women to jump into the driver’s seat and encourage our man to do what is necessary to steer clear of potential health issues down the road that can easily be avoided with a little medical maintenance.
Nisha Jackson, PhD, MS, WHCNP, HHP

Nisha Jackson is one of the nation's leading bioidentical hormone and wellness experts. She is the host of the nationally syndicated radio program "Just Ask Nish", columnist, lecturer, and continues to be in high demand in her Southern Oregon-based specialty practices. With no hidden agendas Nish, as she is known by her radio audiences, is relentless to uncover health solutions that work. If it's effective and good for you, it's good medicine.