Metabolic syndrome is a dangerous set of factors that will leave you more vulnerable to type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. If you are big around the middle and getting bigger, with excess abdominal fat, you are also at a greater risk for heart disease than someone who has accumulated fat in other body areas.

High levels of triglycerides (type of fat in the blood) is a metabolic risk factor. Having a low HDL (good) cholesterol increases your risk for heart disease.

High blood pressure may result in the accumulation of plaque in the blood vessels, and can possibly be harmful to your heart. High fasting blood sugar, or taking medication that controls high blood sugar is a metabolic risk factor, and may be an early warning of diabetes.

The more of these five factors you have, the greater will be your risk for diabetes, heart disease or stroke, and the greater your risk for metabolic syndrome.

If you live a sedentary lifestyle, your risk for metabolic syndrome increases. If you are overweight or obese, or if you are insulin resistant, you have a higher than normal risk for metabolic syndrome.

Insulin resistance means what it says. The hormone insulin is meant to help blood sugar enter your cells for energy use but the body isn't able to use its insulin effectively. Blood sugar levels then climb.

Research reported on the National Institutes of Health website that metabolic syndrome may be partially due to problems with the immune system. Gut microbes may be a pivotal factor. Experiments from Emory University in which mice were used, seemed to indicate that gut microbes may hinder your body's ability to make use of energy.

Andrew T. Gewirtz of Emory University, co-leader of the research team, posited that the escalating obesity problem in our society may not just be due to inactivity and overeating. He speculated that if the experiment results with the mice is any indicator, then gut microbes may be changing people's appetites and contributing to metabolic syndrome.

For women, a waist measurement of more than 35 inches is heading in the direction of metabolic syndrome. For men, a waistline of 40 inches is the number to watch out for.

A body mass index (BMI) that is lower than 25 is a goal to strive for avoid metabolic syndrome according to the National Heart and Lung Institute. If you have a BMI that's anywhere from 25 to 29.9 you may be overweight. A number that is 30 or higher is considered to be obese.

Metabolic syndrome can be avoided. Keeping your weight within a healthy range is an important step. Living a more active lifestyle can make a difference. Lowering your blood pressure and your cholesterol will help decrease your risk factors.

See your health care provider on a regular basis so that you can work together on protecting your health.


What Is Metabolic Syndrome? Nov. 3, 2011. Retrieved Jan. 18, 2012.

Gut Bacteria May Influence Metabolic Syndrome. March 15, 2010. Retrieved Jan. 18, 2012.

How Can Metabolic Syndrome Be Prevented? Nov. 3, 2011. Retrieved Jan. 18, 2012.

Metabolic Last reviewed June 28, 2011. Retrieved Jan. 18, 2012.

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Reviewed January 19, 2012
by Michele Blacksberg RN