A wide array of stories were shared in EmpowHER's community this week. Women talked about natural solutions for menopause, arthritis and dead skin. Do you have a health story that you would like to share? Post your blog post to our community so that other women can read and reflect on your personal experiences and stories.

Here are some of our top blog posts in the EmpowHER community this week.

Arthritis Pain Relief Natural - Which Natural Pain Relief Solutions are Right for You?

Via Pexels

From the blog: “Arthritis pain relief natural solutions can come in many different shapes and sizes. With some arthritis pain relief natural solutions, it is the mind that does most of the pain relief. But there are forms of arthritis pain relief natural that use nutrients, exercise or a change in lifestyle to help reduce the pain. People sometimes forget that arthritis is a degenerative condition that is not going to get any better with time. The best way to combat arthritis is to learn how to live with it by using natural solutions that help the body manage and adjust to the pain."

Manage Your Menopause Symptoms With Natural Treatments

Via Fotolia

From the blog: “As women enter into menopause, many women will experience some symptoms, such as depression, sleepiness, sore breasts, hot flashes and severe mood swings, due to the hormonal shifts of progesterone and estrogen. The good news is, that there are some natural treatments that women have had much success, in minimizing negative and annoying symptoms associated with menopause."

Homemade Recipe for a Stellar Natural Facial Scrub

Via Pexels

From the blog: :"There is an assortment of facial scrubs available on the market made for every skin type. The highest quality ones feature all-natural ingredients like nut oils, ground walnut shells and essential oils. However, while these scrubs may be very effective, their cost can be off-putting to most people. Not everyone is willing or able to spend tens of dollars of their hard-earned money just to exfoliate their skin with a quality product. Fortunately, it's quick and simple to create your own natural facial scrub at home for a fraction of the cost. What's even better is that you can customize it to meet your specific needs and tastes. Here is one such recipe that provides superb exfoliation while also rejuvenating your skin."

Women's Protein Needs: Are You Getting Enough?

Via Pixabay

From the blog: "Age and activity level are two of the key factors women need to take into account when trying to determine their protein needs, but women may also want to take a close look at their protein intake if they're trying to build muscle mass or lose weight."

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