Being sick with a cold is a miserable way to spend a week or more. But take heart, if you are stuffed up, fevered and feeling sapped. It is possible to ease some of the worst symptoms of a cold without having to resort to taking drugs.

Drinking plenty of fluids, eating soup, are a couple of nice hydrating practices. So are turning on the humidifier, or making yourself comfortable with a towel over your head, inhaling the moist air that emanates from a bowl of steaming hot water.

Echinacea is a handy herb to have on hand. Echinacea boosts the immune system, and can be taken in the form you prefer, in capsules, tea or tincture.

"If you do not feel able to work out and feel the need to rest, then rest. Do not push yourself to do certain activities when you’re sick. Rest is one of the ways that your body is fighting against infections."