According to scientists, methyl iodide (also known as iodomethane) is a toxic pesticide that can cause brain damage, cancer and miscarriage. Even so, California's Department of Pesticide Regulation recommends approval of the use of methyl iodide for strawberry fields.

The EPA says that half of methyl iodide evaporates into the air, breaking down within twelve days, and the other half breaks down in the soil very quickly. So the people at risk are not those who will eat the strawberries. The people at risk are the farmworkers and those who live or work nearby.

"Conventionally grown strawberries still contain residues of other pesticides. According to data collected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, as many as 54 pesticides have been found on American strawberries, although rarely at levels above what the EPA considers safe. The Environmental Working Group, an advocacy group, ranks strawberries as one of the three worst fruits and vegetables with regard to pesticide exposure. (Peaches and celery are the other two.)",0,1359173.story