A new study reports that girls are reaching puberty at a younger age than ever before because of ingesting high amounts of hormone-like substances. These hormone-like substances are phenols, phthalates and phytoestrogens.

Phenols, phthalates and phytoestrogens are toxic substances that are pervasive in environment and in our homes.

Phytoestrogen mimics estrogen and is found in soy products. Dr. William Campbell says that soy products are not the healthy foods we have been led to believe, but is instead dangerous and toxic to consume.

The phenol BPA is in bottles and cans. BPA is linked to asthma, cancer, heart disease, obesity and various sexual problems.

Phthalates are found in plastic and makeup. While the overdose of these hormone-like substances are causing accelerated maturity in girls, some boys now have the misfortune of developing breasts.

"This new study in Environmental Health Perspectives is on girls, but the damage isn't limited to them. These are equal-opportunity hormones, and they're making boys more feminine as well."

Until the government takes steps to eliminate these toxins, it's up to us to protect ourselves from phenols, phthalates and phytoestrogens.
