If you’re like most people, you head out to a restaurant with the best of intentions. But as soon as you smell the food cooking or see the pretty pictures of all those high-fat foods on the menu, your brain shuts off and your mouth takes over and you order things you know aren’t good for you. So how can you keep control when you’re eating out? For me, it’s all a mind game. Here’s how I like to play.

Before I go into a restaurant, I take a minute to think about my goal. Do I want to fit into the cute, skinny jeans? Or will I be content in the elastic waist “fat pants”? The choice is mine, just like the choice of what to order off the menu. When I give myself the mental image of how good I can look in those jeans, it’s a lot easier to make smart choices that will help me reach my goal.

Another trick that works for me is making sure I’m not too hungry before I order. I like to carry some low-cal, high protein snacks like roasted, unsalted sunflower seeds or nuts. If I take the edge off my hunger before I head out to a restaurant, I know I’ll be able to make better choices and resist the temptations that are waiting for me on the menu.

I also make sure I drink plenty of water. That’s true every day. But I also know water takes up space in my stomach which makes me feel less hungry. So I try to drink some water before and during the meal rather than stuffing myself on high-calorie foods.

When it’s time to order, I try to pick the freshest foods on the menu. I like to ask what vegis are in season and chose from those because I know they’ll taste better and be more nutritious. That also means I don’t need sauces or seasonings to make my vegis taste better. I order them steamed or cooked in a tiny bit of olive oil. Skipping the seasonings and sauces is a good plan for the whole meal to keep fat and calories low.

Even if you make really good choices, the portion sizes at many restaurants can undo all your good planning if you eat the whole thing. If it’s too hard for you to stop without cleaning your plate, start the meal by moving half your food into a carry-out container. That way you can be guilt-free when you clean your plate and you’ll have another meal ready for the next day.

Success eating out really comes down to advocating for yourself. You have to decide what your priority is and you have to stand up for yourself to achieve your goals. But don’t be too hard on yourself. We all slip up or just give in to cravings sometimes. The important thing is to get back on track. I like to plan for one “cheat” every week. That gives me permission to enjoy something I love without “breaking the plan”, which lets me stay in control.

It all comes back to being your own health advocate. Don’t think about going on a “diet”. Instead, make healthy food choices that can help you be the best “you” you can be.