Ergonomics is a science that is ignored at your own peril. If you'd like to be able to do your work in a way that is efficient, comfortable and that won't hurt you, get familiar with ergonomics.

If you choose to go ahead under the illusion that your body is invulnerable and that you can tough through anything, you can encounter some rude surprises.

And some of them you may not be able to bounce back from. The list of possible injuries is long and unappealing.

Lumbar (lower back) pain is due to damage to muscles and ligaments. Lower back pain can be caused by bending, lifting, pulling, pushing and twisting improperly.

Discs and nerves in the back when damaged can cause a great deal of pain. Deteriorated discs, and herniated discs, also called slipped discs (discs that stick out), put pressure on nerves.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve that runs from the shoulder, goes down the arm and into the hand.

It hurts, and may leave your hand numb, weak and tingling. This most commonly happens to the base of the thumb and the first three fingers.

Rotator cuff injury is caused by overhead work, or work with the arms that is too hard and/or too long, and repetitive. It causes limited movement and pain in the shoulder, and can eventually result in arthritis.

Tendinitis is caused by bad posture and repetitive motion, creating inflammation and pain in a number of different joints.

Tennis elbow (epicondylitis) is caused by rotating the forearm in a repetitive way, or too much force for too long, creating inflammation and pain in the elbow.

Risk factors to be careful of are forceful motion, insufficient recovery time, local vibration, long duration, poor posture, repetitive movements, and an unhealthy environment.

Forceful motion would include actions like lifting things that are too heavy, working on bolts that are rusted on, or a squeezing motion that is too frequent for comfort or too hard for the hand.

Insufficient recovery time will hinder healing, and leave a person more vulnerable for further injury.

Local vibration is a term that describes the effects of actions like using power tools for long periods of time, day in and day out.

Long duration of activities that require repetitive movements or patterns of movement can be a factor.

Poor posture can leave you open to injury. Be conscious of your posture, whether you are standing up straight or slouched, whether you are sitting in a way that supports your body rather than a way that results in undue pressure.

Repetitive movements can cause wear and tear as the unrelenting motion of doing the same thing over and over again takes a toll.

An unhealthy environment may only be uncomfortable or it can be downright dangerous. Temperatures that are too cold or too warm can have an effect.

A noisy environment can have a negative effect on the hearing. Prolonged computer use can cause visual and cognitive problems as well as headaches.

Injuries can happen to anyone. But being aware of the possible dangers, and practicing what you know about ergonomics can protect you from many injuries.


Injuries Caused by Poor Ergonomics. Retrieved Nov. 27, 2012.

Risk Factors that Cause Injuries. Retrieved Nov. 27, 2012.

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Reviewed November 29, 2012
by Michele Blacksberg RN