A wide array of stories were shared in EmpowHER's community this week. Women talked about not putting off New Year's resolutions, being financially stable and fixing pregnancy-related back pain. Do you have a health story that you would like to share? Post your blog post to our community so that other women can read and reflect on your personal experiences and stories.

Here are some of our top blog posts in the EmpowHER community this week.

Exercise Caution When Paging "Dr. Google"

Via Pixabay

From the blog: “Most of us have done it – some more than once. You come down with an illness that perhaps includes a few symptoms you’ve never experienced before and what do you do? You “page Dr. Google” and research your condition online. Depending on the words you search and the preexisting knowledge you may or may not have, such an activity can send you spiraling down a rabbit hole of worry and despair. For most people who don’t have a medical background, what is found online when researching health topics can be disconcerting if not down-right terrifying. What you hope are simply symptoms of a run-of-the-mill cold may be showing up in your Internet search as a rare, all-but-fatal condition or cancer."

The Mindset That Will Change Your Eating Habits

Via Pexels

From the blog: “Do you feel like you’re not eating well? Do you always feel bloated, fatigued, tired and generally unhealthy? For people who want to lose weight, it’s very hard to quit eating habits that you have already got used to. And even when you’re cutting calories, doing exercise, it may be quite frustrating if you don’t see any substantial changes in your weight. Don’t lose hope. This article will help you understand why you’re not losing weight, and will help you get into the mindset that will change your body for good."

Financial Wellness: How to Live on a Shoestring Budget

Via Pexels

From the blog: :"For many families, living with a tight budget isn't a lifestyle choice, it's a matter of necessity. Things that many people take for granted are very difficult for these families, who simply don't have the money to live the way everyone else does. If you find yourself in this situation and need to stick to a tight budget, follow these tips-"

Understanding Pregnancy-Related Back Pain

Via Pexels

From the blog: :"With the exception of those early days of nausea, there are few pregnancy-related issues that are more widely discussed or suffered through than back pain. In fact, about 50 percent of women will experience pregnancy-related back pain. While it is usually a condition that will pass after childbirth, there are some important points and characteristics not so commonly discussed that may help provide some comfort to those who are suffering. First, it should be explained that no matter where the feeling of pain in the back is coming from, it is the symptom of something else that is going on, not a condition itself. ”

To share your story, visit our community