It's a great thing to be able-bodied and independent. And even if we're not exactly able-bodied, in many situations we can still be independent. However, sometimes deteriorating physical or mental health may make complete independence impossible.

There was a time not too long ago when the only options were a move to a senior residence of some type or living with your kids and possibly their kids.

But there is another option now. This option can potentially provide a new lease on life, whether it be for a short time or for many years.

Home care comes in different forms and by different names. It can be full-time or part-time assistance provided for free or for pay, by family, friends or professionals.

This is a pretty broad range we're looking at here. And that's a good thing.

It would be a shame to have to leave one's life because of a little frailty. Maybe you're a bit unsteady on your feet and you could use a little help. Someone to do the housework may be all you need to be able to get on with life.

If you've failed your eye exam and can no longer drive your car, that shouldn't drive you out of your home. If someone can provide a ride, or pick up your groceries, life can still go on.

Having some part-time home care can allow the senior or older couple who can no longer take care of themselves to get just the type of help they need, at just the times they need it. And they can still live in their own homes and sleep in their own beds.

The tulips they see through their windows blooming in the spring may be the ones they planted forty years ago. The bird feeder being over-run by sparrows and cardinals might have been built by their son.

The rooms in their home may be a mosaic of their earlier life together. A lot of memories can accumulate in a family home over many decades.

But you know, the same is true for a new house or apartment. Even if you've only lived somewhere for a few months, chances are you'd like to remain in charge of your own domain.

It doesn't take having spent an era or two in a place to want to be able to make your own decisions about whether to stay in it or have to leave. And these days, if the decision is to stay ... for the senior who just needs a little help, there are ways to make this possible.

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