Sleep is a wonderful and natural restorative. So why don't we get more of it? As a culture, we are pretty sleep deprived. Operating on too little shut eye, unable to fall asleep or stay asleep at night. Companies selling sleeping pills and other remedies are getting rich off our inability to shut down at night.

Our culture also makes trouble for us with its time-honored, though erroneous, belief held by many that sleep is for pansies. That if you're sleeping you're not doing anything productive.

We admire that minority that only needs four hours of sleep a night. They are geniuses. The rest of us sleepyheads must be mentally or morally inferior.

We're embarrassed to say we want a nap. Even more embarrassed to say we had one. It should be a matter of pride, but no. God forbid we should appear lazy and have a siesta.

But the fact of the matter is, sleep is not optional even for the ambitious and impatient. Truth is, you have to have a certain amount of sleep or you'll begin to break down. In SO many ways.

So how much sleep is enough? And what does all that laying around unconscious do for us?

Unconscious we may be, but when we sleep we are not doing nothing, my friend.

When we're asleep, our brains are very busy. Neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers of the nervous system, control whether you are sleep or awake. Neurons (nerve cells) in the area of the brainstem inhibit parts of your brain, so that you will stay asleep. Cells increase protein production.

Young adults and children experience a release of growth hormone during deep sleep.

Rest, restoration and revitalization are the order of the day. Or, night.

Your immune system is significantly affected by a lack of sleep, especially when it is over an extended time. Your immune system is less able to resist disease and you don't heal as well or as quickly when you are overtired.

If you're awake for 24 hours without a break, the metabolic activity of your brain is greatly reduced. Your body temperature drops, the white blood cell count in your immune system drops, and so does the release of growth hormone. Your heart rate on the other hand will increase.

Memory and cognitive ability become impaired. The longer you are sleep deprived, the better chance you'll develop mood swings and hallucinations.

If you are regularly running on too little sleep, the occasional late morning of sleeping in is not going to correct the situation.

Most people need somewhere between seven and nine hours of sleep a night. But if you're having trouble sleeping at night knowing these numbers isn't really a help. As a matter of fact, they may be mocking you right now.

Fortunately there are some things you can do to make yourself better able to drop off.

Making sure you have a comfortable bed would be a good place to start. Adjust your room temperature to whatever feels most comfortable.

Consider ear plugs, white noise from a fan, recordings of gentle sounds or music, or a white noise generator if the environment is too noisy for you.

A dark room may tell your brain you mean business. If you still can't sleep though, just laying there frustrated is a bad idea.

Better to get out of bed for awhile, read a book, and distract your mind from the fact that you can't sleep. Try again a little later.

Try to keep to a regular bedtime. Despite my earlier praise of naps, if a daily nap is leaving you unprepared for sleep at night, better skip it.

Alcohol may help you go to sleep but a few hours later it can act as a stimulant and you're awake again.

Avoid caffeine and sugar in the evenings. Don't exercise before bed.

Some people find relaxation techniques helpful. Deep breathing, yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, or visualizing a peaceful place can help the mind and body wind down.

Sleep may seem fleeting, or an impossible dream just out of reach. But persevere in your quest for a decent night's sleep. The payoff will definitely be worth the trouble.


Sleeping Late on Weekends Not a Remedy for Lost Snooze Time,2933,598584,00.html

Sleep: Understanding the Basics

Sleep Disorders Center

Can't sleep? Try yoga

Tips for Getting Better Sleep

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