Throughout the year, our bodies are constantly being bombarded with toxins. Both internally, through natural biological processes, and externally through environmental toxins, pollutants, processed food and alcohol, etc.

Each day, 700,000 tons of pollution are released into the air and ground. The food that we eat is pumped with hormones, antibiotics, pesticides and other chemicals (not to mention the nutrient-depleted soil we often grow it in)!

Many believe that a build-up of toxins in the body is the sole cause of cancer and other chronic diseases. Therefore, a ritualistic cleansing is pertinent for maintaining our health and wellbeing.

So often we participate in a ritualistic cleaning of our homes, workspaces, and computers but we tend to neglect our bodies — the most important machine of all! In fact, Chinese medicine utilizes post-winter fasting as preventative care to shed excess fat and weight gained during the season.

The benefits of cleansing are astronomical. Eliminating toxins through cleansing can increase energy, improve memory and focus, improve complexion, improve the immune system — increasing health and decreasing disease, in addition to many other positive benefits. Cleansing has also been known to have a positive psychological and spiritual effect.

According to renewlife, there are seven different important channels in which to eliminate toxins: bowels (or colon), blood, skin, kidneys, lymphatic system, lungs, and liver.

Many of these channels can be cleansed individually through various types of cleansing. Not every cleanse is right for every individual, so it’s important to explore different cleanses, or talk to a health care professional to see what is right for you.

Although there are many different ways to cleanse the body, a popular method is to cleanse the colon through an enema or a colonic. Cleansing the colon is believed to help eliminate toxins from the digestive system and liver, thus improving their function.

For a longer more thorough cleanse, juicing is another popular method. Because fruits and veggies are clean, high-nutrient foods, you can get all the nutrition you need while flushing your body of toxins. Owning a juicer myself, I can personally attest to the sense of wellbeing that comes from a juice cleanse.

Among the most extreme cleanses is the Master Cleanse. The Master Cleanse suggests drinking purified water mixed with cayenne pepper (to help break up mucous and stimulate blood flow), lemon, and grade B maple syrup for taste and calories. Ten days is the suggested duration for this one, which reminds us why cleansing is often a mind-body exercise!

Cleansing can be a great way to jump-start that weight loss program, or to simply jump into a more active, healthy lifestyle. This January, consider a cleanse to start the New Year out right.


Benefits of Total Body Cleansing. (n.d.). Probiotics, Herbal Cleansing, Digestive Enzymes, Fiber, Fish Oil Supplements | ReNew Life. Retrieved January 2, 2012, from


Benefits you should expect from a Safe and Effective Natural Body Cleanse.. (n.d.). Internal Body Cleansing - Is it Right for You?. Retrieved January 2, 2012, from


Davis, J. (n.d.). Detox Diets - WebMD: Cleansing the Body. WebMD - Better information. Better health.. Retrieved January 2, 2012, from


Juice Fast | How to Juice Fast | Juice Fast Weight Loss | Juice Fasting. (n.d.). Juice Fasting | Juicing for Health. Retrieved January 2, 2012, from


Master Cleanse. (n.d.). master cleanse. Retrieved January 2, 2012, from

Reviewed January 4, 2012
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith