Holiday travel can be exciting as you head out to see friends and families and visit other climates. But it can also mean exposure to a variety of ailments including colds and the flu.

Here are some things to think about before it’s time to head for the airport:

Be healthy when it’s time to travel.

Common sense steps like getting enough sleep and eating a healthy diet, especially antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, can help keep your immune system strong as you prepare for your trip.

Check the weather before you pack.

Even if you used to live in the location you are traveling to, time away can distort your memory of how cold or warm it will be this time of year. Check the forecast and make sure to pack for all expected weather conditions.

Don’t forget your meds.

If you have medications that you take on a regular basis, you know you need them to stay healthy. Be sure to pack medications in your carry-on bag in case your luggage doesn’t land at your destination on the same flight you are on.

Make sure emergency medications like an asthma inhaler or epi pen for allergic reactions are at your seat when you sit down. Don’t risk being separated from them if you can’t get to the overhead bin.

Pack your comfort medications.

If you are worried about catching a cold or other illness while you are away from home and you know transportation may be complicated, pack a small assortment of antihistamines, cold and flu medications, and pain relievers to help you get by until you can purchase what you need.

Plan ahead to fight germs.

Public places like airports and airplanes are ideal breeding grounds for all types of germs. Before you leave home, formulate a strategy as to how you will keep your contact with public surfaces to a minimum.

If you are usually cold when you fly, carry a jacket so you won’t need to borrow an airline blanket. And bring along a travel-sized hand sanitizer or antibacterial wipes so you can keep your hands clean as you travel.

Once you arrive at the airport, try these tips to protect your health on the ground and in the air:

Wash your hands often.

Remember that everything you touch has already been touched by many other people that day. Door knobs, hand rails on ramps and stairs, and the conveyor bins at the security checkpoint are all possible germ carriers.

If you can’t get to the bathroom to wash up, use your hand sanitizer or wipes. You can also use your wipes to clean your chair before you sit down at the gate and to wipe off your arm rests and tray table once you are on the plane.

Avoid sick people.

If someone near you in the airport is coughing or sneezing, move away if possible. If the plane isn’t packed, ask to move to a more isolated seat if one is available. If you are very concerned about airborne germs, bring a surgical mask to wear.

You should also do this if you know you are sick. Be considerate of others on the plane and wear a mask.

Don’t touch your face.

Your fingers can easily carry germs from other surfaces to your nose and mouth. Especially when traveling, try not to touch your face unless you have just cleaned your hands.

Stay hydrated.

The air on board the plane will probably be drier than you are used to at home. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and consider bringing a nasal saline spray if the air makes your nose or sinuses feel dry or sore.

Use the air vent.

Turn the vent over your head to a medium flow and direct the air just in front of your face. This moving air can help keep germs in the environment from flying directly to your nose and mouth. If you have a choice, opt to sit in the front of the plane where ventilation is typically better.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you are safe as soon as you disembark. Your destination airport and ground transportation are all sources of germs that can make you sick. Keep up the good habit of washing your hands frequently for the rest of your trip.


Prevention. Destination: Healthy Travel. Lisa Ozaist. Web. December 8, 2014.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Travelers’ Health: Pack Smart. Web. December 8, 2014.

Everyday Health. Protecting Yourself from Airplane Germs. Diana Rodriguez. Web. December 8, 2014.

Reviewed December 9, 2014
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith