Being more powerful patients as we navigate increasingly complex health care systems is a priority for many of us. We want to be in control and want the tips that help us to be at our fingertips. Fortunately, websites like EmpowHER and PatientPower are devoted to this. Also, there are many books, including the one I wrote called " The Web Savvy Patient.”

But what if you are someone who is always on the go? How do you get the empowerment tips you need? Radio, unfortunately, does not give you enough in-depth information or discussion nor does radio provide it when you want it.

That’s where a new audio book comes in. I am thrilled to tell you “The Web-Savvy Patient” is now available on, the world’s biggest distributor of audio books. That means you can now drive to your doctor's office while getting tips on using the web to find reliable information.

The tape will help you discuss what you’ve found with your doctor without getting him or her upset. It allows you to be a savvy patient, on the go.

The patient empowerment movement is growing with more information and coaching available online with audio programs, videos, the addition of audio books, and soon, all sorts of just-in-time information on your smartphone.

What’s exciting to me is how easy it is becoming to produce audio information that helps others. If you listen to my audio book, visualize where I recorded it -- in my walk-in closet, because it had the best “studio-like” acoustics.

The only problem was waiting for my wife to get dressed and stopping whenever the dog barked or the garbage truck rumbled by. Eventually it was completed, hopefully for the benefit of thousands of patients and family members.

Video production to help others is getting simple too. Patient Power, for example, now produces Skype interviews with medical experts just like Anderson Cooper does on CNN. So, even you -- as a motivated and powerful patient -- could be the anchor person in a video to help others with a condition you are concerned about.

All of this is good as we seek to get smarter and share what we know to support others. The old way where the doctor knew everything and we knew nothing didn’t get the job done.

About the author: Andrew Schorr is a medical journalist, cancer survivor and founder of Patient Power, a one-of-a-kind company bringing in-depth information to patients with cancer and chronic illness. Audio and video programs, plus transcripts, help patients make informed decisions to support their health in partnership with their medical team.

Patient Power is at and on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Schorr is also the author of “The Web Savvy Patient: An Insider's Guide to Navigating the Internet When Facing Medical Crisis" found at

Edited by Malu Banuelos