Technology can give us great excuses not to be active and fit. We spend hours in front of the TV or at the computer and then wonder why we gain weight and lose muscle tone. So I was excited to learn about a wealth of new technology that will actually help us improve our health instead of sucking it dry.

The healthcare technology section of this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas was packed with devices that can help you track almost anything about your health. Many of the devices are small, easy to use, and actually fun to play with. Here are some of my favorites:

BodyMedia® FIT –This device comes in an armband that you can wear 24/7. It tracks your sleep patterns as well as your activity levels and connects online to help you track calories and stick with your fitness plan. You can see it in action on NBC’s “The Biggest Loser” this season.

Polar® Smart Coaching – This device is described as “your perfect training partner”. It uses heart rate tracking to help you set goals and improve performance. It also includes a variety of tests including fitness, body age, recovery and relaxation level.

IbitzTM PowerKey and Unity – This device made by GeoPalz® is targeted at families and includes products designed specifically for children in addition to the adult models. The goal is to get the whole family to be more physically fit. The kids’ model uses an interactive game to help motivate them to get moving. The more active the kids are the more energy their “pet” has in the game. They can also interact with the device by feeding their pet, giving it water, and putting it to sleep.

Runtastic® Heart Rate Monitors – You can get this device on a belt pack or in a watch that combines a heart rate monitor and a GPS. It’s targeted at runners and mountain bikers to record your heart rate and track your route to give you a better overview of your workout.

HAPIfamily – This collection of three devices includes the HAPIwatch to monitor sleep and stress, HAPItrack which measures steps, distance, calories burned, and workout time, and my favorite – the HAPIfork. This fork gets right at the heart of the problem for many dieters by tracking every bite of food that goes in your mouth! The fork monitors how fast you are eating by tracking how quickly you go from bite to bite. If you are eating too fast, the fork vibrates to remind you to slow down and enjoy your meal.

In my experience, the key for success using any of these devices is finding the one that is really going to help you reach your goals – whatever they are. So before you jump into a purchase, evaluate your own health and fitness and decide what could help you make a positive change. If you hate tracking calories, find a device with an app that will do it for you. If you want to help your kids be more active, pick a device that can track the whole family.

As a health advocate, I love the way technology is shifting to help us regain control of our own health and wellness. The big question is whether the people who need it most – those who are overweight or not active enough – will embrace the technology and make use of the great motivational tools it can provide.

I am excited at the new opportunities opening up before all of us. And I encourage you to take advantage of these new devices to put control of your health back in your own hands – right where it belongs.